Friday, August 15, 2008

i feel like i should buy a lottery ticket today or something.  its friday, and i really wasn't in the mood to work today (thats normal for me, but seriously, who really ever wants to work?!) i go in at 3 and everything is going alright. it's pretty slow, but for a friday night thats normal... well around 6pm someone comes in and tells us there's a huge fire down the street at the financial square, so naturally i run outside to look and the guy from the restaurant next door says his lights are flickering. not a good sign. about 15 minutes later our lights start flickering. then the power goes out. our computer run on battery for about 3 minutes and then we crashed. so by 7pm i was off and walking to meet rylan, away from all the chaos. most of downtown savannah is without power at this very moment.  

so rylan and i went and got sushi. we went to blockbuster to check out what movies are out. whole lotta nothin! so now we're sitting around at home like all the cool kids do on a friday night!  

we had a wonderful evening with blaine and ginger last night. they made us grapefruit margaritas and enchiladas and homemade guacamole. us two kids from the az couldnt have been more well fed! 

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