Tuesday, April 15, 2008


we finally have a couch! and after taking two naps on it already and laying on it all day, i'd have to say it's the most comfortable couch in the world! and to make it that much more awesome, the first movie that i watched while laying on it was HSM (i swear i'm 24, not 15).
yes, the couch is in fact two different colors. my mom dyed the bottom of the slip cover, but didn't have time to dye the cushions. i'll get around to it eventually, but i think it looks kind of cool just the way it is!

we spent a few hours at the beach on sunday with my friend maggie and her friend from CO. i didn't think we were out there that long, but my god are we sunburned. im a freakin lobster! and rylan's legs are so burned he walks like an 87 year old man.

not much else is going on at the moment. my aunt and uncle from ATL are coming down next week for a few days with their grand-daughter who i havent seen since she was itty bitty. apparently she looks like she could be my kid or something, even though we're not related (technically she's a step- third cousin, or something like that...) ok, tata

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