Saturday, August 25, 2007

The Last Siesta Under These Stars

It is unbelieveable to say that tonight is my last night as a resident of Tucson, AZ. So many years living in this blazing valley and yet they all seem to have past by in a blur. I suppose I am not really good at goodbyes. The rooms are empty and my voice is the only thing echoing off my empty walls. Not really my walls anymore...I was really just borrowing them until someone else came along. Its still hard to say goodbye. Last look at the view, for a while anyway. I believe in my heart I will see everyone again and I know if I don't it, it won't be by my accord. I've learned I've made alot of great friends and now I suppose its time to make some more. Tomorrow morning we leave and I will be driving four days across country with no such experience on my back. I say so long, Tucson. I found my map to the Georgia coast and even if I come home empty handed; I will still my stories, battle scars, and memories. Like the Ataris say, 'Life is only as good as the memories we make.' Its time now to capture these moments in a grain of sand and remember for our lives. I say thank you for all the fiestas and siestas, the food and the drinks, the friends and the family, and the blur in between. I am excited for my school days and projects. It's time to find out what its like to be grown up, though hopefully never act too grown up. The road is calling my name and my blooding is boiling with excitement. But I never want to say goodbye. It's getting late and I know my days ahead of me so I guess I'll say good night.

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