for anyone that actually cares, the entire poster is done in photoshop. I took a couple pictures of some bricks outside my house...duped them a bunch and then found a picture of some clovers. The copy is original (hence a copywriting class). And logo is pulled from their website (don't bother with that, not very good). You might have to download it to get a decent view at the copy, for some reason I thought there used to be a full size display button in picasa. Well thats that. Hope you like it.
So that ended my class and I am back on the summer vacation. Which so far has entailed a boat load of work (heh boat load). I have been working with another designer, Brei Smith on a digital booklet/menu for Indulge Catering. She works with me and Indulge and is good designer and friend (check out her site: www.breismith.com). Basically my plan is to hand the menu out to different people instead of an actual menu. We can save money on printing menus and only make CDs for the people we want to give it to. I am using the CD holder template I created that fits on an 8.5" x 11" sheet of paper (love it) as the carrying case for it. And for those that saw the original designs for menu stuff you the style. One cool note about this is we actually had a professional photographer come in and shoot pictures for us. It took up a good bit of a day but I think we got some wonderful stuff to work with (always nice to have some good shots). Anyways everyone can check out a work in progress of the book at: Book
It might take a while to load because this is meant for a disc and not the web. The pictures are not processed for the web. I am using the book turn flash thing I have to create it then exporting as an exe in flash. Pretty cool stuff. Anyways you get the idea. Oh btw I would like to thank Dave for letting me host some test stuff on his site - if I haven't plugged his site enough check his site out at: Dave's Site and support his film Meet Dave with Eddie Murphy (skip the movie and just wait till the credits to see Dave's name woot!) I think that's rather awesome - having your name in the credits of a big screen. Alright where was I. Besides the menu I have been creating other stuff for Indulge also - menu cards, business cards, box lunch labels, and pretty much everything under the sun. Hopefully when I am through it will make a good corporate identity portfolio piece. I will try and post more stuff as I get it done for them.
While doing that I have also been working the catering gigs also. Tomorrow we have a 12 hour day of catering. I am bummed because Chelsea has the day off and I am working the entire time. It seems like this last week we have had opposite schedules. Although yesterday we were able to hang out and go down to Jalapenos (yum and awesome) then watch Lost Boys 2 - as she previously mentioned. Cut the review short on it, it was cheesy and felt like a made for video movie (cause it was). I suppose this weekend we will probably be doing some mall shopping considering the tax free weekend). Not that I particularly like the mall, I do enjoy hanging out with my girl. I digg her. I mean seriously, this blog wouldn't be so grand without her. Her book comes out this weekend (its like her equivalent to Harry Potter for you Harry Potter fans) and I hope its everything she hoped for. Just like Dark Knight was everything I hoped for. Yay for Dark Knight - go see it, now!
I don't think we ever mentioned what we did on 4th of July (yeah I have alot of catching up to do) - hopefully this isn't too long. On the 3rd of July we headed over to Blaine and Ginger's house for a party they had. They picked up some great outside furniture for World Market and really made a great outdoor living area. Blaine was at the grill and I downed a few burgers and hotdogs (my favorite, if you couldn't guess.) They had a keg for the beer drinkers and wine for the wine drinkers. The party was mostly SCAD workers but we got to hang out with all the Hansens and just have a good time. We hadn't seen Nicky and Jim for a while so it, well it was awesome. Of course the party couldn't be complete without a hand selected 4th of July themed ipod play list courtesy of Blaine. To top the night off, fireworks were shot off from the park just a block away. So really we celebrated our 4th on the 3rd - thanks to Blaine and Ginger and their great party hosting skills.
Oh also, Richard's site finally went live last month. I had completed his site uh before I left for Savannah and its finally up and live (slow slow man). Richard's site. He was looking for a simple and clean site. His style is mostly modern so I tried to stay in that vein. I made all the animations moved fairly fast and didn't have any extras. Almost a bare essential type of site. It is also very easy for him to edit, so when he actually gets his pictures processed, he can put them straight to the web. This gallery programming is basically what I have been working on since my first site with The Metal Garden. The scripting has been beefed up to help with people that have no idea how to program a website. I have tried making it as easy as possible. Its the stuff you don't see on the site, the backbone that has changed really. Its actually funny because Jon from the Metal Garden has contacted me to hopefully redo his site. Sort of a full circle in web design for me. I have always wanted to redo the site because being my first site, its not very good. The Metal Garden. Check it out for yourself.
So yeah, I can't remember what else I was going to talk about. Not that this post isn't already long enough. I mean I even threw shout outs to pretty much everyone. Well not everyone. Andrea and Taylor! What Up, we miss you! Deedee, congrats on finally getting a computer. Anyone else I fail to mention, sorry - maybe in the next book, right after when Dumbledore dies (sorry to ruin it for you)! Good night.
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