in honor of rylan's first day of winter break, we went to the beach... kind of. we drove to hilton head and found the disney resort! (yes, we know, we're obsessed and slightly neurotic about it). may i just add that it was FREEZING! and by freezing i mean maybe 60 degrees. but we are children of the desert and that was just way too cold for us. and apparently everyone else, cause no one was there.
anyways, we had a good time walking around, freezing our little tooshies off.
we were feeling a bit homesick, so we found a really good mexican food place for lunch. and lucky rylan, it was right next to the j.crew outlet mall!! i just couldn't keep him out of there. but this is why i love outlet malls (especially j.crew). i found a dress that i wanted last year, originally $189.00. on sale for $40. merry christmas to me!!
tomorrow we have to go buy a turkey. rylan's parents are coming to monday so we're starting to clean. okay not really, but im off monday and they don't get here until 8pm. plenty of time!
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