So my post got cut off last time so let me finish it...
The end of day one concluded with our final stop in Odessa, TX. We stopped at the Culpeppers house, a family friend and Chelsea's old neighbors. They allowed us to stay with them for the night. Lola again had the excitement in which she didn't play friendly with their dog. Let's just say that Lola has no idea of size and she has no concern of it. Snapping at a rottweiler shows that she can take on any adversary. It could have been the Persian army but she doesn't care. After being separated and confined to the upstairs, little girl's room, Lola was to go to sleep. The Culpeppers house was pretty nice and out in the middle of Texas. It was kind of creepy that they lived on Sleepy Hollow Dr. I kept lookout for the horseman but alas he was nowhere to be found on this sleepy Texas night. By the time we got there, Chelsea and I were worn out and ready for bed. It was the end of day one and we had driven through three states. Our sights would be set on crossing the great expanse of Texas. But until then, we slept.
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