Movie to see: Stand by Me
Place to eat: Friday's
After the long waiting game of many months, the time is frighteningly close. Everything is packed up and already on its way to Georgia. I can't thank our friends and family enough. It was a day of sweat dripping and guns blazing. Andrea helped us all day moving and we used her 'guns' in full force. Of course Taylor may have lifted a box or two for good measure. And without our parent's help, I don't think we could ever make it. We packed up so much stuff in one day that I can't even believe it, looking back at it. Great friends and good family are very hard to come by and we are both thankful for having it all.
I have to say that personally, this is a little overwhelming, leaving that is. I have never left Arizona before and I have to say that it is hard leaving everything you leave behind. Not specific stuff, but people. I never really thought that I have left a mark on anyone or anything. I knew it would be hard leaving family (haven't done that yet, so still dreading it) and I figured it would be hard leaving Taylor and Andrea (basically family without the blood connection so they kind of have to miss us). But I guess I've always thought I have been someone in the background, just letting things pass me by. And I think in the past week I have seen that a lot of people care about me and Chelsea and really want us to go far. And it has also made me realize that I really care for these people also. Work has been, well, work until it's time to say goodbye and you find out that those people you have shared your life with won't be there the next day. These are people that I have shared countless laughs, joys, hundred of lunches, and even troubles with. They have helped me grow and in return I hope I have shared some secrets also. I can never thank Richard, Judith, Kerrie, DeeDee, Mary, Dan, Jenna, Megann, Dennis, King Leonidas, Robert, Roland, Ben, and Laura (if I missed anyone, I blame the cheesy bacon cheese burger for all faults, but you know I thank you too) enough for the knowledge they have brought to me as a person and designer. I want to thank everyone for just, well, a wonderful time. Everyone has given us just a grand farewell and makes me want to make you proud. I have created this blog as a conduit to our lives as we try and explore whatever we can. I really want to have fun and share what we find. Now I just have to convince Chelsea to help me post on here too! I want to invite everyone to share in our experiences and keep in touch. You might have a movie review here or a food critic there because that's what I do. And also don't be surprised if I just cut to some obscure movie quote - "I'm a wild, and rabid squirrel!"
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"You can dance if you want to"
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