Around four, we reached our town. We headed to the house and got to see it. It is quite nice and I am excited to be able to start moving in. Right now it is an empty palette to start throwing stuff in. We meet our landlords and they seemed quite nice. I think we both got very lucky on our rental property. We did have our first visitor also today.

After a bit of checking out the house and meeting the neighbor, we left the house for dinner. The neighbor is a man best described as a hater of t-shirts but should invest in one. He sits on his porch and watches the day go by. Nice enough and good to have around to keep an eye on the neighborhood.

For dinner we met up with Nicki and Jim for a burger at B & D Burger. It was great because they were able to let us bring the dog. It was also great to meet up with the Hansens before they left for Greenbay on Friday. And I can never past down a good burger joint. I would have to say that this is a recommendation on my part. They have about 15 different types of burgers to soothe any one's choice of toppings. Even Chelsea's dad got a rendition of what we called a 'pizza burger' that he used to create when he was younger. While I am not as adventurous and there was no cheesy bacon cheeseburger they were able to get me a bacon cheeseburger, my favorite. Chelsea also pointed out to me that they have a kid's meal area that doubles as the starving student section for cheaper meals for the hungry students everywhere. We went to bed on quite a full stomach. Good night and well eats.