nah, just playin', here goes:
rylan met me at work, which is always a nice surprise! there is a new honey shop on broughton street that i've been dying to check out, and apparently they were giving away

free ice cream (holla!) so we decided to walk over there to see what was going on. well we walk in and there is a camera crew but we just assume they are there filming the store cause it's new. so we're meandering around and all of a sudden SAMANTHA BROWN walks past. well i'm not a very cool person when it comes to celebrities (ask the deen's- i'm ridiculous!) so i scream "oh my god, i love your show. i watch you every day" and turn three shades of bright red! she smiles and says thanks and keeps walking. y'all don't understand, the travel channel is the only cable channel we get, so she and anthony bourdain are gods in our house. i'm obsessed with her. i want to be her when i grow up. so ridiculous. so anywho, we call everyone we know. and then we walk by the store one more time. and she's still there. so we walk down the street a few blocks to our favorite burger place. then we walk past the store again, and oh wait, she's still there! we're total creepers!
okay, moving on from our stalker ways...
the sons played softball tonight! i'm not going to say they won, cause they didnt. but i can't say the lost, cause they didnt. the other team never showed up! the sons are just that good, everyone's afraid to play them! but it was super cold and the wind was blowing but i got a jersey. i'm #13 and it says "chels" across the back! i'm going to wear it all the time!!
okay well im off work tomorrow and hsm3 comes out! yes i am 24 years old going on 13. i swear i did not request the day off just for the movie coming out. i don't think that far in advance.